For in peace and prosperity both states and individuals have gentler feelings because men are not then forced to face conditions of dire necessity but war which robs men of the easy supply of their daily wants is a rough schoolmaster and creates in most people a temper that matches their condition. And so the cities began to be disturbed by revolutions and those that fell into this state later on hearing of what had been done before carried to still more extravagant lengths the invention of new devices both by the extreme ingenuity of their attacks and the monstrousness of their revenges The ordinary acceptation of words in their relation to things was changed as men thought fit. Reckless audacity came to be regarded as courageous loyalty to party, prudent hesitation as specious cowardice, moderation as a cloak for unmanly weakness and to be clever in everything was to do naught in anything. Frantic impulsiveness was accounted a true man's part, but caution in deliberation a specious pretext for shirking. The hot headed man was always trusted, his opponent suspected. He who succeeded in a plot was clever, and he who had detected one was still shrewder; on the other hand, he who made it his aim to have no need of such things was a disrupter of party and scared of his opponents. In a word, both he that got ahead of another who intended to do something evil and he that prompted to evil one who had never thought of of it were alike commended. Furthermore, the tie of blood was weaker than the tie of party because the partisan was more ready to dare without demur for such associations are not entered into for the public good in conformity with the prescribed laws but for selfish aggrandisement contrary to the established laws Their pledges to one another were confirmed not so much by divine law as by common transgression of the law. Fair words proffered by opponents if these had the upper hand were received with caution as to their actions and not in a generous spirit. History of the Peloponnesian War By Thucydides, Charles Forster Smith