Get the Life You Want: The Secrets to Quick and Lasting Life Change with Neuro-Linguistic Programming

  • I have found that people's biggest barriers to change are often their own minds and, more specifically, their own beliefs.
  • [our] problems give [us] identities.
  • we learn limiting and nonuseful behaviors in terms of our thoughts as well as our actions.
  • as long as you think differently, you will feel differently.


  • One of the things I discovered in my work is that people acquire problems very quickly.
  • If people can learn to have fear in a short period of time, there's no reason why it should take a long period of time to learn anything else,
  • I didn't need to understand how she became the way she did. I needed to understand how she kept being that way.
  • What could go wrong? and the same answer came up every single time. She would imagine a life- size memory where she saw the bad thing happening to her over and over and over again.
  • Develop a habit of feeling happy. You make good pictures, you will get good feelings.
  • How do they manifest their fear? How is it done as an activity?
  • Thinking should always be an active process where you think in a way that gets you the results you want.
  • If you're trying to motivate yourself and you're thinking about how hard it is, it will be hard.
  • When you learn how people think, you can teach them how to change the way they think.
  • When you think in a new way, you get to do new things and you get to feel new things.
  • In order to remember things, you have to first encode the memory.
  • I'm a firm believer that you can learn to get over your problems.
  • If you can look at yesterday and say you are a better person today, even if it's just a tiny bit, then you're still headed in the right direction.


  • Your unconscious is also where most of your mental habits function.
  • Unconscious skills can be skills that are detrimental to our well- being,
  • A trance is simply a state where we are absorbed with our thoughts.
  • Submodaligies: thinking in pictures, thinking in words, and thinking in feelings, tastes, and smells.
  • The important question to ask people when they say "I feel frustrated," is, "Where? Where does the feeling start? Where do you feel it first in your body? Where does it move to?" Feelings can't stay still. They are always moving somewhere, in some direction.
  • Our feelings are not outside of our control. In fact, this is the very thing most of us need to gain control of because, when you do, you can alter your feelings.
  • However, since most problems are created by our imagination and are thus imaginary, all we need are imaginary solutions.
  • Achieving personal freedom is all about developing new mental habits and skills and getting used to mentally running your brain the way you choose to run it.
  • Beliefs are what trap most people in their problems.
  • As soon as we believe in something, we search for ways to prove it's true.
  • Doubt your limitations
  • Most people are not fed up enough with their problems.
  • You want to get rid of your self- doubt and add more belief in yourself. You want to get rid of your fears and add more confidence.
  • Make unconscious changes by using your own brain and learning to think differently.


  • The more people are stuck for a long period of time feeling bad about the past, the less time they have to begin making life more wonderful.
  • We have bad decisions that come about from bad thoughts and bad moods.
  • It's not the object. It's not the height that makes you afraid, it's your brain.
  • People ... focus too much on themselves and not enough on what's going on in the room.
  • Once they have a choice, people always make the best choice. The trouble is that people don't think they have one.
  • The more you look at the bad things, the more you relive the bad things, the more familiar it gets.
  • The more you look at yourself doing the things you want to do— the more you'll begin to change your direction.
  • Thoughts will always be there, but they don't have to hurt forever.
  • Our ability to associate good feelings with things or bad feelings with things should be a conscious choice.
  • When you decide what memories to associate with and what memories to disassociate with, when you manipulate your thoughts deliberately, it is called thinking. We are thinking beings when we think deliberately.
  • If you change the qualities of the images you make, and you replace them with different thoughts that make you feel good, you will start to feel differently.


  • The main difference between habits and compulsions is that habits are simply what you get used to doing and do automatically. Compulsions refer to what you feel compelled to do.
  • Our mind finds a way of getting out of what we know we really ought to
  • The first step in breaking habits has got to be where we switch our beliefs.
  • Understanding by itself doesn't produce change.
  • You've got a problem, you've gotta learn to deal with it."
  • It's not the line on the sidewalk, it's the way you think about it.
  • The unconscious part of your mind doesn't process negation so, of course, it's like saying, "Don't think of blue." Immediately, you think of blue,
  • measure what you are succeeding at, it starts to work.
  • Most people plan for it to be too easy. Instead, plan to fall off
  • So, if it feels bad to practice things, or if it feels bad to diet or exercise, then you're not doing it right.
  • Human beings have the unique quality of being able to create their reality internally and then to superimpose it on the outside.
  • Instead of having notes or information on the outside, I have people vividly study some notes and practice imagining those notes on locations in the room. -- Hallucinate the notes
  • people can make things worse or better by how they think about it in advance.


  • It's essential that you have more control over how you feel and so more control over what you do. If you change the way you think, it changes the way you feel, which changes the way you act.
  • Your brain runs all the time, and it's either going to run in the direction you want it to go or it's going to run all over the place. If you don't do things to control your thoughts and control what pictures you make, then you won't be feeling as good as you can be feeling.