Rhetoric and Power: The Dark Side of Persuasion


'The test consists of 26 statements. The participants are asked to rate each on how much they agree with it on a scale of (1) strongly disagree, (2) disagree, (3) neither agree nor disagree, (4) agree, or (5) strongly agree.' (Tamás Bereczkei, Machiavellianism: The Psychology of Manipulation, p. 47)

1 Success is based on survival of the fittest; I am not concerned about the losers.

Disagree Agree

2 I find myself in the same kinds of trouble, time after time.

Disagree Agree

3 For me, what’s right is whatever I can get away with.

Disagree Agree

4 I am often bored.

Disagree Agree

5 In today’s world, I feel justified in doing anything I can get away with to succeed.

Disagree Agree

6 I find that I am able to pursue one goal for a long time.

Disagree Agree

7 My main purpose in life is getting as many goodies as I can.

Disagree Agree

8 I don’t plan anything very far in advance.

Disagree Agree

9 Making a lot of money is my most important goal.

Disagree Agree

10 I quickly lose interest in tasks I start.

Disagree Agree

11 I let others worry about higher values; my main concern is with the bottom line.

Disagree Agree

12 Most of my problems are due to the fact that other people just don’t understand me.

Disagree Agree

13 People who are stupid enough to get ripped off usually deserve it.

Disagree Agree

14 Before I do anything, I carefully consider the possible consequences.

Disagree Agree

15 Looking out for myself is my top priority.

Disagree Agree

16 I have been in a lot of shouting matches with other people.

Disagree Agree

17 I tell other people what they want to hear so that they will do what I want them to do.

Disagree Agree

18 When I get frustrated, I often “let off steam” by blowing my top.

Disagree Agree

19 I would be upset if my success came at someone else’s expense.

Disagree Agree

20 Love is overrated.

Disagree Agree

21 I often admire a really clever scam.

Disagree Agree

22 I make a point of trying not to hurt others in pursuit of my goals.

Disagree Agree

23 I enjoy manipulating other people’s feelings.

Disagree Agree

24 I feel bad if my words or actions cause someone else to feel emotional pain.

Disagree Agree

25 Even if I were trying very hard to sell something, I wouldn’t lie about it.

Disagree Agree

26 Cheating is not justified because it is unfair to others.
Disagree Agree