ENGL 3120    ※   Digital Writing & Publishing   ※    George Pullman

About the website

In general

I don't use iCollege much because I believe in living outside the box. I'd rather make my own software than use someone else's. That way I know more about where my data trail is going and how it is being used. I admit that's a wonky perspective. I also admit it is a bit hypocritical because I use AI tools regularly now and I neither know exactly how they work nor where the questions I ask them and the answers they give go. If I were to pursue my outside-the-box philosophy for AI, I would have to learn how to use open source AI LLMTs, and I'm not there yet. Anyway, I make websites and you are taking a class with me so you have to use one of my websites. Fortunately, there's not much to this website.

Navigating the site

The menu is just click or hover and click if something drops down when you hover. But if you are reading this, you already know that.

The Assignments tab takes you to your weekly assignments. The current week's work is highlighted.

The Blogs tab takes you to a list of our sites.gsu.edu blogs. You post your weekly assignments to your blog.

Resources drops down to reveal links to some useful learning materials, including a running list of articles about AI that I have been keeping since 2016. You should spend a few minutes a day reading about AI. Articles like those listed there are prone to hype, but I'm convinced AI is here to stay and it will profoundly impact how we work, learn, and communicate.

The Syllabus tab takes you to the syllabus.

The tools tab takes you to the primary AI text generators and a wide collection of other AI-enabled tools as well as a couple that aren't AI.

If you see

An arrow pointing right, click And the content will drop down.
Click again and the content will roll up.

There are footnotes. Like this one Hover over a red number and more information will appear. It will disappear when you hover away.

You may also see BTW Tangential information. from time to time. Hover over it and some additional, tangential information will popup.

That's all there is to it.