ENGL 3120    ※   Digital Writing & Publishing   ※    George Pullman


This class is front-end loaded. Most of the assignments happen in the first nine weeks, but 40% of the final grade is determined by what you accomplish between Week 9 and week 15, your final portfolio, your HELLO WORLD moment. You need to get started right away and stay focused. You can't do all this in the last week of class. I will start grading each week's work Saturday morning. There are 28 students in this class, so it may take me to Monday to finish.

In what follows, when I offer examples, I use technical writing as the context because I am a rhetoric prof, this class is in the Rhetcomp division of English, and the most practical application of Rhetcomp is technical writing. Regardless of what field you are pursuing, you should create your own AI-assisted information. My examples are just examples no matter how relevant they might be to you.

It is a good idea to read each week's assignment before you do anything else. Just read. Don't click. Just read. Then start doing. You might want to keep a todo list for each week. Weeks 5, 6, 7 and 8 will likely require the greatest discipline and concentration. But week 9 gives you a chance to catch up and then if worse comes to worse, you sill have spring break to fix whatever is broken. DON'T PUT ANYTHING OFF. Seriously, you will hate yourself (and me).

Week 02 - Job Reconnaissance DUE 5 pm, 01/19

Using (Indeed, Monster, Glassdoor, The Muse and others you know of or can find, look for suitable entry level positions. Find as many as you can and read over each one carefully. Generally speaking, based on all the job ads you read, what are:

  1. the qualifications?
  2. the responsibilities?
  3. the software expectations?
  4. the specific abilities they are looking for? For example, if you search for entry level technical writing positions, you will quickly see something like, "the ability to communicate complex information for the general public."
  5. the companies hiring in your field?

Your blog post for this week should consist of the following:

  1. A paragraph about how you did the research for this week's assignment -- be specific and detailed. What websites did you use? What search terms? Were you looking locally or nationally or globally? How many relevant opportunities did you find? And so on.
  2. A paragraph (or three) in which you layout the qualifications, responsibilities, and software expectations you have discovered as well as anything else you think important.
  3. A list of all of the specific abilities employers are looking for.
  4. A list of your documents, videos, images, etc. that will demonstrate one or more of the specific abilities they are looking for
  5. A list of the documents, videos, images, etc. you need to create between now and when you graduate.
  6. Finally, write a paragraph reflecting on your experience doing this research. What did you learn, what did you know that was reinforced, what do you want to do/learn next? How are you feeling about all this at this point?

If you don't have anything to put in your portfolio, we should talk (gpullman@gsu.edu). I can help.