ENGL 3120    ※   Digital Writing & Publishing   ※    George Pullman


This class is front-end loaded. Most of the assignments happen in the first nine weeks, but 40% of the final grade is determined by what you accomplish between Week 9 and week 15, your final portfolio, your HELLO WORLD moment. You need to get started right away and stay focused. You can't do all this in the last week of class. I will start grading each week's work Saturday morning. There are 28 students in this class, so it may take me to Monday to finish.

In what follows, when I offer examples, I use technical writing as the context because I am a rhetoric prof, this class is in the Rhetcomp division of English, and the most practical application of Rhetcomp is technical writing. Regardless of what field you are pursuing, you should create your own AI-assisted information. My examples are just examples no matter how relevant they might be to you.

It is a good idea to read each week's assignment before you do anything else. Just read. Don't click. Just read. Then start doing. You might want to keep a todo list for each week. Weeks 5, 6, 7 and 8 will likely require the greatest discipline and concentration. But week 9 gives you a chance to catch up and then if worse comes to worse, you sill have spring break to fix whatever is broken. DON'T PUT ANYTHING OFF. Seriously, you will hate yourself (and me).

Week 07 - Content, Content, Content DUE 5 pm, 02/23

  1. Go to your spaces.w3schools server
  2. Make a file called portfolio.html
  3. Copy and paste the current content from index.html into portfolio.html.
  4. Go to Hero image.
  5. Copy everything on the left side of the screen into your computer's memory
  6. Replace the content of index.html with what you have in your computer's memory
    index.html should now look like this
    You see a gray box instead of an image because you don't yet have an image on your server.
    Upload an image -- use optimizilla if the image is too big to upload.
    If you have iphone pictures, read this first
    Edit line 13 of index.html, changing "photographer.jpg" to the name of the file you uploaded.
    While you are at it, change line 15 from height:50% to height:100%
    Then delete line 58, Page Content.., because with an image set to 100%, no one will see what's printed there.
    One last edit. The button doesn't work.
    replace <button>Hire me</button> with
    <button onclick="javascript:location.href='portfolio.html'">What can I do for you? </button>
    When someone goes to your w3spaces URL, they should see something like this, but with your picture and with a button that goes to your portfolio.html.
  7. Make a file called resume.html.
    Put the template from Resume in it.
    Replace the place holder text and images with your own content
    Pay careful attention as you edit. Make a change. Save the change. View the change. If all is as you expect, repeat. If not, undo, save, view and figure out what went wrong. If you are systematic like this, "breaking" (no damage just time lost) the template won't ruin your week. If you do "break" the template, starting over might be the best strategy. On the other hand, learning how to fix it, while time-consuming, will teach you a great deal about HTML and CSS and yourself.
  8. Make a file called about.html
    Copy and paste my about page into your about.html (I didn't use w3's template verbatim because theirs assumes a team of three and I'm just one person)
    Edit the content
    Pay careful attention as you edit. Make a change. Save the change. View the change. If all is as you expect, repeat. If not, undo, save, view and figure out what went wrong. If you are systematic like this, "breaking" (no damage just time lost) the template won't ruin your week.

By now you should have a spaces.w3schools.com URL and 4 web templates -- a hero screen (index.html), a portfolio (portfolio.html), a resume (resume.html), and an about page (about.html) -- all of which have your content in them. When a user goes to your w3spaces URL, they will see your image and the button inviting them in. When they click on that button, they will see your portfolio.html. The links should take them to resume.html and about.html and index.html as well as portfolio.html, which is where they landed when they clicked the button in index.html.

yours should look like this, only with your content. My resume, btw, doesn't have enough content to get an A.

So far so good.

GRADE: 5% for portfolio.html; 5% for resume.html; 5% for about.html. Each has to have your content.