ENGL 3120    ※   Digital Writing & Publishing   ※    George Pullman


This class is front-end loaded. Most of the assignments happen in the first nine weeks, but 40% of the final grade is determined by what you accomplish between Week 9 and week 15, your final portfolio, your HELLO WORLD moment. You need to get started right away and stay focused. You can't do all this in the last week of class. I will start grading each week's work Saturday morning. There are 28 students in this class, so it may take me to Monday to finish.

In what follows, when I offer examples, I use technical writing as the context because I am a rhetoric prof, this class is in the Rhetcomp division of English, and the most practical application of Rhetcomp is technical writing. Regardless of what field you are pursuing, you should create your own AI-assisted information. My examples are just examples no matter how relevant they might be to you.

It is a good idea to read each week's assignment before you do anything else. Just read. Don't click. Just read. Then start doing. You might want to keep a todo list for each week. Weeks 5, 6, 7 and 8 will likely require the greatest discipline and concentration. But week 9 gives you a chance to catch up and then if worse comes to worse, you sill have spring break to fix whatever is broken. DON'T PUT ANYTHING OFF. Seriously, you will hate yourself (and me).

Week 15 - Done and dusted DUE 5 pm, 04/19

You portfolio should have the following features

  1. A clear audience -- who are you talking to?
  2. A clear purpose -- what are you claiming to be able to do?
  3. A unified appearance -- each screen should have the same navigation system and should look like all the others, with the possible exception of your index.html page, which might be a hero screen with just a one button navigation scheme.
  4. Content. As much content as you can find and create over the course of this semester.

Post a link to your portfolio to your blog.

GRADE: 40% of your final.