ENGL 3120    ※   Digital Writing & Publishing   ※    George Pullman

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BTW I used Chat-GPT to generate the form this screen uses to save and display user input. I could have written it by hand from memory, but it would have taken all day because I don't write code for a living. I'm perpetually rusty, but I know more or less what I am doing. Most likely I would have used a scripting site like W3Schools.com to copy, paste, and modify what I needed. That would have taken maybe 30 minutes Using ChatGPT, I got a working script in 10 seconds. I needed to modify it a little to fit my intended context (I added the Your Name part because I hadn't thought to ask for that when I ran ChatGPT). I might have revised my original Chat query and rerun it, but I made the mods by hand because I knew off the top of my head what to do. Using ChatGPT effectively can save you hours and hours of work, as long as you have a knowledge foundation to work from. link